Saturday, 3 September 2011

Argan Oil | Hair Treatment

This is a serum which I use on a daily basis!
Its a fantastic new product that is used for your hair.
 It had vitamin E and a natural anti-oxidant which nourishes your hair and gives it a great shine! I bought mine from Boots at £12.99 for 100mls.
I was looking for the more popular Moroccan oil but I came to this first and thought I would have a dabble at this one. I was immediately impressed with the product, it makes my hair feel soft and gave moisture to my dry ends.
 Also as I have blonde hair a shine is hard to achieve but this does give me a slight shine without looking greasy.
 I use a couple of pumps and that usually rids me of my fly aways and smooths down my layers.
 I would recommend this product to anyone who feel they need to give there hair a treatment for dry ends.
 My mum noticed a change with the healthiness of my hair and was soon asking for a pump or two. My mum also has fine limp hair like mine and too prone to fly aways, however she loved this oil treatment and use it as religiously as me now! I use it up to twice a day, mostly after its been blown dried.
 I have only used a quarter of the bottle over 3 months! Its great value and I think the popular Moroccan oil is about the same price for a lot  less product!
So this is great if your on a budget but still want a quality product for the money you do spend!
I will leave the link below for the boots website where they will have more information on the product.
This is the website I use the picture from
Thanks for reading.
Regan Chelsea

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